Kubs Lalchandani will be guest lecturing at Cornell University on March 23, 2023. Kubs, who will be guest lecturing in Professor Adam Klausner’s “Law for Entrepreneurs” class, and will be discussing the impact of blockchain technologies, virtual currencies and the ever-evolving Crypto landscape. Topic areas will include enhanced smart contracts, NFT’s, artificial intelligence, and how the blockchain and virtual currencies are deployed on a daily basis. Kubs’ lecture will also include a brief history of blockchain technologies, including a discussion of Bitcoin, and an overview of current events impacting the industry.
Lalchandani Simon PL is made up of former big firm litigators who are now applying their high-powered legal skills and aggressive negotiation and litigation strategies to guide clients through the constantly changing legal environment in the technology, hospitality and healthcare sectors. As experienced lawyers and entrepreneurs, Lalchandani Simon PL attorneys are uniquely positioned to anticipate legal hurdles in these various industries and implement systems and policies before compliance becomes excessively costly.
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